Birthday Ticker

Friday, July 17, 2009
Hi Ho Hi Ho it's on Furlough we go!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
American Idol Season 9

I have had a hard time with this decision because I absolutely love to sing but am to a point in my life where I wonder if I missed my opportunity.
1. Is it worth the cost to drive all the way to Denver, impose on friends and family, wait in line and get my wristband and seat ticket and then never get to audition? That is a possibility.
2. Am I ready to handle the rejection? On the other hand, am I prepared to stay longer if I do make it through?
3. If I do make it through, can I afford to stay there to complete the rest of the audition process?
4. Can I stand to be away from my family for a long period of time? Hollywood week, the following weeks of live performances, etc. I don't want to miss too much of my daughter's life. She grows so fast!
5. Should I leave my responsibilities as a small business owner here to try this?
6. If I do make the top 13 (long shot), will I be able to go on a tour and be away from home again?
7. Will I be able to do the music I love or be forced to be someone I'm not? Will it change my marriage? God I hope not!
Lots of factors and with a lot of prayer and thought, I have decided that I will never forgive myself if I don't try it. So, my mom and I are going to drive to Denver for the July 12-14 auditions! Can't believe it! I will post pictures and my experience afterward.
Wish me luck!
Monday, June 15, 2009
All done and relaxing in the shade!
On June 11th we went to Grammy and Papa's to celebrate David's 29th birthday! Wow he's getting old! ha ha! We had a great time.
Lyric has also learned to play peek-a-boo too. It is so cute!
PeekTuesday, May 5, 2009
Where did April go?
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lost it! See the tears...... and mommy's shoe!
Lyric's first flight, Tanganyika and church

Love you both!
Later that day, my band, "Edge of Grace" from Gracepoint Community Church had a gig at Tanganyika. We played about 30 songs. Grandma Sheila, Aunt Stacey, Grammy, Aunt Shauna and Uncle David and their boys came to see us. Thank you all for coming. It was so much fun!
Sorry the pictures are so blurry!
It was an absolute blast. With it's fair share of challenges. Tanganyika is an awesome wildlife Park at 183rd and Maple. They have giraffes, a rhino, monkeys, lemurs, white tigers, kangaroos, and zebras, among other animals! We even got to go into 2 of the exhibits and pet the kangaroos and feed the lemurs some cranberries. (No picture of that)