Birthday Ticker

Birthday Ticker

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

I am so excited to have a weekend at home. I have been in my PJ's all weekend and I love it! Friday night, we went to Mi Tierra Restaurant for supper with David, Shauna, Brayden and Cayden Stout. Then we went back home and played some Rock Band with our Stage Kit. Oh yeah! We rocked the house! Saturday, I woke up with the baby and we laid around early in the morning and then I scrubbed and cleaned our bathroom. (A job that was OVERDUE!) I made Biscuits and Gravy for Stu and then I laid around a little more and watched the rain, sleet and snow come down. Really exciting, I know but it was nice. I did laundry and then realized that I had left about 6 important things off my grocery list, so I ventured out to Wal-Mart in the nasty weather and hurried home. Lyric is really close to sitting unassisted. She can sit while supported in her Boppy pillow and she gets so tickled by it that she falls backwards. We played with her Pretty Learning Purse and her round Chicken. This morning, (Sunday) I fixed waffles and have been spending a lot of time on the couch with Lyric. It's just a low key, relaxing weekend. Don't get me wrong though, I love going to Wichita to sing and go to Gracepoint CC but it is nice every once and a while to take time to stay home and relax. I've had a lot of tests and stress this last week and I needed this. I just glanced over and saw that Lyric is sleeping in her Boppy so I think I will scoop her up and we will go take a little snooze......zzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hope you had a wonderful birthday Uncle Jason! March 18th We went up to Wichita the weekend of March 13th for Grandma Sheila's birthday. We went to Sedgwick to Hoof & Horn for dinner. We went back to Sheila and Stacey's for dessert. They made a delicious Lemon Cake! Yummy St Patricks day was fun. Lyric was at work that day and charmed everyone with her adorable shamrock outfit complete with feather headband (courtesy of Grandma Sheila and Aunt Stacey!) She actually liked it! We stayed at Steve and Donna's on Saturday and went to church on Sunday. All this running around sure makes a girl tired! I just wanted to curl up next to her and take a snooze.

This is what you get for making your wife drive home! HA HA!

We went to Wichita again this last weekend. Sunday was a truly joyful experience and I truly needed it! I need to start having the family take pictures while we are at church. Sheila came to the 2nd experience and then we went to lunch at Taco Grande. It was scrumptous. Grammy, Lyric and I headed back home and stopped in Fredonia to see Great Aunt Patty's art show and visit with she and Great Uncle Harley. Grammy has pictures and I will post those soon.

Lyric has started eating baby food in addition to her bottle. I started her on squash and applesauce. She has also tried Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Sweet Peas, Bananas and soon we will try peaches. Yummy. She is doing really well with it so far. She started foods around 4 months and I just gave her 1 serving (1/2 jar) of applesauce a day for a few weeks to get her used to the idea of eating with a spoon. She didn't like the idea at first and now look at her! I think her favorite so far is bananas and sweet peas. Last night, (3/25) she had a mouthful of peas and decided to make a motor boat sound with her mouth and Mommy wore the peas! She's so funny!Lyric eating squash.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Taking time to blog

Wow, I am not doing well at this blogging thing. Lets see, last week Mom, Lyric and I went up to Wichita on Saturday for a girls weekend. We helped Mom do some work at the office and then we did a little shopping. I found some wallpaper for my office so I will hopefully get that done soon. We called it an early evening and got in our PJ's and watched movies while eating some take out DeFazios. Yummy! Lyric has a tough time sleeping when she is not in her own bed. I had her laying sideways on the bed with me and every once in a while I would get a little foot in my back. She's so sweet though. She couldn't help it. Sunday morning we got up and went to the first Sunday at Gracepoint CC. I talked about that earlier, I think. It was awesome. David, Shauna, Brayden and Cayden were there and we met up with them after the experience and ran into Grandma Sheila. We were so thrilled to see her. She got to see Lyric and couldn't believe how much she has grown. After church, we went to PF Changs- Yum Yum. Cayden was quite the flirt with the waitresses and was very entertaining. After lunch, Grammy, David, Lyric and the boys went home to Grammy and Papa's for the evening and Shauna and I stayed in Wichita to do a little more shopping. We had a blast! This last week has been very busy and stressful. I am having to do a lot of work rewriting policies and personal insurance reviews. Jason was nice enough to come in during a 2 week break at his job to help re-inspect my homes and farms to help move us along faster. Thanks Jason! Couldn't do it without you. I promise to become a better blogger. Wow, say that 3 times fast....