Well, things have been pretty boring this week. Lyric, of course, is a never ending source of entertainment. It's so wonderful to wake up each morning and hear her talking to her hands. The only time she really fusses is when she is fighting a nap or REALLY hungry. If the latter is the problem, you'd better hussle. I am trying to introduce her to rice cereal and a spoon but she doesn't want any part of it. Frankly, she gets ticked! I just give up after a little while. My mom even gave me a hint of adding just a little sugar to it. I can't believe the difference from when I was a baby to now. I was on rice cereal at 2 weeks and on fruits and veggies by 6 weeks. I don't have any allergies and I am rarely sick. Maybe that is the secret! I need to find out if this "I hate being spoon-fed" thing is a phase or if I am doing something wrong. We go to a family doctor right now and I would really like to at least try a pediatrician one time to make sure we are on the right track. She goes to her current doctor on the 25th so we will see what he says.
Lyric loves mirrors and watching herself. It's a riot. Before her bath, I set her in front of the mirror and she gets so tickled at herself that she starts giggling and laughing. How cute! I will have to capture it on film and pictures soon. I am bad at that.
Stu and Lyric still spend Fridays together and both seem to truly love it. He gets to have some alone time to bond with his little girl and I think that is so important.

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